Little Elkhart Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Meeting Minutes – June 14, 2023
Meeting Attendees
Tom Vanderputten Keith Loutzenhiser Mark Holcomb Nick Christofeno Mike Beachy
Jim Mauck Ted Larrison
Meeting Minutes
- The meeting minutes for April 12, 2023 were approved.
- There was no Meeting for May 2023.
Fishing Reports
- There were no active fishing reports.
- Mike reported that although the Little Elkhart is low but there are plenty of trout. The river is alive with trout.
Treasurer’s Report
- Keith Loutzenhiser submitted a summary report for May, 2023. The total account balances are $29,452.54
- Keith reported that the Annual Activity report for TU National has been filed.
- Keith reported that the Net Income from the Annual Outing (2023) was $ 7,135.51. The totals have been increasing every year since 2019.
- LECTU needs to reimburse Don Fiwek ($1,000) for items purchased from him for the outing.
- LECTU needs to purchase supplies for the conservation/stream work ($350 estimated).
- LECTU members present approved a $ 500 donation for Indiana Casting for Recovery.
- LECTU tabled the donations for TU Headwaters Youth program, and IDNR (from the Adopt-A-Trout Funds).
- Mike will contact the Elkhart Conservation Club regarding a donation.
Web-Site (
- LECTU has struggled recently with updating issues for the LECTU Web-Site.
- Brandon the LECTU website manager will provide both Mike Beachy and Keith Loutzenhiser with a tutorial on managing the site.
- Upgrades to the Wed-Site will be forthcoming.
Corson Riverwoods Park(Reprinted from March Meeting)(Park Development is Progressing)
- Mike is working with Matt Horsley (Northern Indiana Biologist) to file a Citizens Petition to change the status of The Little Elkhart River at the park to Catch and Release.
Tim Flagler Visit
- SJVFF has announced an intermediate Fly Tying Class for Thursday Sept. 21, 2023. Mike has contacted Eric Graham to see if LECTU can participate in the sponsorship of the event provided we can offer it to our membership. LECTU will be asked to assist with food costs.
- Cost per student will be $75. More details will be available nearer to the event date.
- The Grand Prize (Rod/Reel) was won by Mike Lagowski (Kalamazoo TU Member).
- The ticket was sold at the Ft. Wayne event attended by LECTU,
LECTU Annual Outing – Post Outing Review
- The sales totals: A-A-T $850, Misc. Sales $532, General Raffle $1,149, Food $ 291, and the Silent Auction $ 2,089 ($550 with the Square Reader).
- All the scheduled events were well received and well attended.
Summer Work Days
- The summer workday schedule: July 8, July 29, August 5, August 26, and possibly Sept. 9.
- All the dates are Saturdays. Meet at Riverbend Park in Middlebury between 7:00am and 7:45am. And then the group will leave for the chosen river worksite at 8:00am
- Mike will send a reminder to all members with a TU announcement blast.
- Back Country Hunters&Anlgers and SJRVFF have both offered to help. Mike will contact them.
Middlebury Youth Fishing Contest
- The contest will be held at the Essenhaus Ponds on Saturday June 24th from 9:00 to 11:00am
- Mike, Mark, and Tom will participate as judges.
Middlebury Riverfest
- The Middlebury Riverfest will be held at Riverbend Park on Saturday August 26th.
- The Theme this year will be the Power of the River. There will be a river shocking, and a walk the river event.
- LECTU members not working on the river workday will assist the Parks Department.
Elkhart County Fair
- The fair organization has invited LECTU to have a booth. After discussion by the members LECTU will decline the invitation and not participate.
Indianapolis Fly Casters
- Mike present a Program on Wednesday July 12th. Since this is our next meeting Mike will be absent
Library Key Pickup
- Wayne, Keith, and Mike have been listed by the Library being able to secure a building key for our monthly LECTU meetings. One of them will pick up the key prior to Wednesday of the meeting.
LECTU Meeting Place and Date
- Middlebury Library in downtown Middlebury IN.
Next Meeting – Wednesday – July 12, 2023
Tom Vanderputten – LECTU Secretary